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Woman writing on paper

Summer is almost over, and the list of “oh, I’ll take care of that later” seems to be as long as it was in May! It’s easy to forget to take care of your teeth. Clean, white teeth are not the only reason to schedule a regular hygiene appointment it also allows Dr. Chiappetta and Dr. Haugstad to take care of any problems while they are small.

Back to School?

As you are making your list for everything needed to get ready to go back to school, have you made your child’s dental appointment? Children entering early childhood programs or kindergarten within the Kenosha Unified School District are required to have a dental exam. Spaces are limited, so please call today to schedule those exams. And while older children are not required to have a signed dental registration form, making sure that your child’s teeth are cavity-free will allow them to focus on their studies and not tooth pain. Also, talk to us about any sports that your child participates in. Mouthguards are extremely important for contact sports and we will want to keep a watchful eye for any bruising or impact that could affect your child’s dental health.


People who travel to warmer areas during the winter months are planning their trips. But one thing that needs to be planned and is often forgotten is dental health. Make your hygiene appointment soon so that if a problem is detected there is still time to schedule the treatment. That will reduce your stress as you get ready to travel.

HSA or Dental Benefits?

As we approach the last quarter of the year, dental benefits or HSA benefits often must be used or you lose access to that money. Every year we get frantic calls in December from people realizing that they have not scheduled appointments. While we try extremely hard to accommodate everyone, it is not always possible. Call today and make your appointment for September or October. That way you can utilize all of your benefits. This also allows us to have time for another appointment if there is any treatment needed.

Call Library Park Dental today!

Call us today at 262-654-6535 to schedule your hygiene appointment. Get one thing crossed off your to-do list, and then go out and enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

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